Mole Digging
Mole Digging
London Neighbourhood Map
London Neighbourhood Map
London Neighbourhood Map
London Neighbourhood Map
Bad Humors
Bad Humors
Oozy and Scarmelia
Oozy and Scarmelia
Mousey Merch
Mousey Merch
Mousey Merch Two
Mousey Merch Two
whale tail
whale tail
yumi zouma illustration
yumi zouma illustration
plant life
plant life
organic hair
organic hair
french student
french student
fox face
fox face
vintage camera
vintage camera
vintage hand mirror
vintage hand mirror
duck duo
duck duo
wild flowers
wild flowers
wedding invitation
wedding invitation
French accordion
French accordion
cheese animals
cheese animals
we knead you - pamper evening poster
we knead you - pamper evening poster
very happy unbirthday
very happy unbirthday
pinned map of christchurch
pinned map of christchurch
sacré coeur
sacré coeur
Cathédrale Notre-Dame
Cathédrale Notre-Dame
french pastries
french pastries
anatomical beating heart
anatomical beating heart
food dairy #1
food dairy #1
Mole Digging
Mole Digging
Melvin Melvin from my short story about conker wars
London Neighbourhood Map
London Neighbourhood MapLondon NW Neighbourhood Map
London Neighbourhood Map
London Neighbourhood MapLondon NW Neighbourhood Map close up
Bad Humors
Bad HumorsEP cover art for band MADEIRA
Oozy and Scarmelia
Oozy and Scarmelia Oozy and Scarmelia from my Grammie Hodgepodge book
Mousey Merch
Mousey Merch
Mousey Merch Two
Mousey Merch Two
whale tail
whale tailpen illustration of a whale's tail. album artwork for NZ Jazz musician Anna Whitaker.
yumi zouma illustration
yumi zouma illustrationmarker pen illustration of the yumi zouma 1st ep cover for the ep merchandise and marketing. the ep is avalible here for download:
plant life
plant life pen illustration of plant life. album artwork elements for NZ jazz musician Anna Whitaker.
organic hair
organic hairmarker illustration of NZ jazz musician Anna Whitaker's hair for her album artwork. the idea was that the hair would be on a transparent stock over the photograph, giving two options for the album cover and an interactive element.
french student
french studentpen illustration, digitally coloured, of a geeky French student with her books for a timetable printable. the text reads 'student life'.
fox face
fox facepen illustration of a fox face. internal album artwork for NZ folk musician Kim K.
vintage camera
vintage camerapen illustration, digitally coloured, of a vintage camera for a NZ photography business
vintage hand mirror
vintage hand mirrormarker illustration of a vintage detailed hand mirror.
duck duo
duck duopen illustration of two ducks for the Christchurch City Neat Places guide (1st edition).
wild flowers
wild flowerspen sketch, wild flowers used as background elements for artwork for NZ jazz musician Anna Whitaker.
rabbitpen illustration of a rabbit for Easter greeting cards.
wedding invitation
wedding invitationpen illustration, digitally coloured,this is an invitation for a nautical themed wedding. the illustration is of the couple on a surfboard as the husband was a surf lifesaver, and they wanted to tie that theme into the invitation design.
French accordion
French accordion pen illustration, digitally coloured of a French accordion. originally designed for a French calendar.
cheese animals
cheese animalspen illustration, digitally coloured, of comedic cheese animals. designed for an wine and cheese charity evening for Familia Moja in Kenya, Africa
we knead you - pamper evening poster
we knead you - pamper evening posterpen illustration, digitally coloured for a volenteers thank you pamper night event
very happy unbirthday
very happy unbirthdaypen illustration, digitally coloured, for a madhatters-style party invitation.(party info removed from hat)
pinned map of christchurch
pinned map of christchurchpen illustration, digitally coloured, map of central Christchurch City for the Neat Places/Christchurch City council pocket guide. The client was going for that twee hand drawn look with a splash of art deco vibes.
sacré coeur
sacré coeurpen illustration, digitally coloured of the Sacré Coeur in Paris. originally designed for a French calendar.
Cathédrale Notre-Dame
Cathédrale Notre-Dame pen illustration, digitally coloured of the Cathédrale Notre-Dame in Paris, originally designed for a French calendar.
french pastries
french pastriespen illustration, digitally coloured of a selection of french pastries, originally designed for a French calendar.
anatomical beating heart
anatomical beating heartink print, anatomical heart artwork for kiwi band The Dukes.
food dairy #1
food dairy #1pen illustrations for a food dairy blog
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